portable heaters nyc

Portable Heaters NYC

portable heaters nyc


In the winter months, your team is often exposed to cold and uncomfortable temperatures. Keep your crew warm and comfortable with our portable propane heaters.


These heaters pictured are perfect for both indoor and outdoor spaces, as they do not require electricity and have long lasting heat with each 1lb fuel canister. Depending on the size of your space, you may rent either a 9,000 BTU heater or a 18,000 BTU heater. Fuel canisters are taken out as a pay-per-use item, you will be provided enough fuel to last your whole shoot/event, but your team will only be charged for each used can upon return ($5.98ea). The heaters have two settings: Low & high. When on low you can get up to 6 hours of heat per canister, and when on high you can get up to 3 hours per canister.


Seeking other heating options? Check out the order form to see all heater rental options under the “Climate Control” section: https://streetteamstudios.com/order-form/


Street Team Studios is fully stocked with a variety of heater rentals for NYC events & productions.  We are here to serve you and help try and keep you warm on the cold winter days.


We “warmly” await your order (pun intended):

